The online world can create many fantastic opportunities and experiences for children – but there can also be a dark side to the internet.

That’s why, today, KCOM is joining with organisations around the world to celebrate Safer Internet Day 2022, which this year has the theme of ‘All fun and games? Exploring respect and relationships online’.

The aim of the day is to help youngsters learn about how to interact with people online, the consequences of online behaviour and when to recognise when something is not ok.

As part of today’s events KCOM is also hosting events at St Richard’s Primary School, in Marfleet, Hull, and Inmans Primary School, in Hedon, where youngsters will take part in fun activities and learn about staying safe online.

During the events the pupils will design posters about what online respect means to them, with the best entries displayed on the big screen at the MKM Stadium during a Hull City match.

A spokesperson for the Safer Internet Day said: “From gaming and chat, to streaming and video, young people are shaping the interactive entertainment spaces they are a part of. Safer Internet Day 2022 celebrates young people’s role in creating a safer internet, whether that’s while gaming and creating content, or interacting with their friends and peers.

“Safer Internet Day is celebrated globally in February each year to promote the safe and positive use of digital technology for children and young people, and to inspire a national conversation about using technology responsibly, respectfully, critically, and creatively.”

Online Safety Day will host a series of free e-safety events designed exclusively for professionals working with children and young people. These will be held online on 14 and 16 February, to book a place visit

As a partner of online safety group Internet Matters, KCOM is also providing access to a range of resources for parents and teachers to help them keep their children safe online.

These resources include a guide to help parents understand the ‘lingo’ their children may be using online – often a major source of confusion for grown-ups! – as well as insights from experts about how to monitor and manage youngsters’ online usage.

You can find all the resources, free of charge, here at

For more information about Safer Internet Day 2022 visit